Saturday, 6 May 2017

Friday camping (Al)

It was a bit of an ask to leave work, pack up Oscar and then head off 90 mins up the road towards Glen Helen for a Friday night camp  . . . and yes, the initial bit was somewhat strugglesome (?)  but then . . . well , really . . . what a way  to end the working week.


So we arrived at Finke Two Mile, prepared for a gentle track . . . people with big caravans come here . . .


But it calmed down a bit, even though there was some 'in the river bed' stuff, which is always a bit freaky.


11111So, camp set up,  bit of riverbed wandering and painting not far from 'home' (worked out that acrylics, even with drying retarder are not my thing, so back to working out how to travel with oils and oils painted panels which will not dry overnight) . . .


Trail run of the stainless steel cook pot (much lighter and more capacity than the iron-enamel pot from home):  fab soup!


The next day . . . morning run as the sun came up.  Very pretty indeed, even if the run itself was a bit of a struggle (how comfortable was the thermarest and sleepingbag? That would be very very very very)



Homemade webbing straps got their trial run on the way home for the trax (post-bogging equipment) and later the emergency pop-up tent (that wouldn't really work in an emergency in its usual storage place of at the very bottom of everything in the back)


It seemed  shorter trip out and back to here compared to Rainbow Valley, even though it actually took longer.  The scenery did it:  fab bendy, swoopy roads, ranges rising and falling, dappled light  . . . and all that.