Monday, 18 September 2017

Wow! Or Hmmm. (Bean)

So, a lot of people would not think that this following picture would be exciting ...

... and they would be right. A sprouting potatato is not very exciting. ( The mug is pretty cool, admittedly). But, what would happen if I was to tell you that this is a very rare and special sweet potato? Well I hope you would tell me that I was talking rubbish, because I am.  Just a normal sweet spud that has sat in the mug for about seven years doing nothing. Well, maybe three weeks. Anyway - it'll soon be planted and then it will probably take over the whole back yard.

For real excitement look at this!

Yes, I know. Sturt Desert Peas. The seeds were made to believe they had just experienced a fire ( putting into almost boiling water) - looks like they've germinated or whatever that growing/gardening word is. (They do get bigger. The Desert Peas, not the words.)

Which brings me cleverly onto plastic bricks.

Here's what's happening in Lego Life: