The battery on my camera was low so I then spent bloody ages trying to find the charger. You know, the one I definitely had out recently and was plugged into the kitchen wall. Yes that one.
The camera still had some charge left and I could have started taking piccies then but the distraction of a vanished charger was too great. Yes, I live life pretty much on the edge. Right on the edge. So much so that even my fear of heights kicks in.
Well the charger wasn't where it should have been and after an hour of searching the same three places over and over again it still surprising remained lost - or stolen - or dissolved. Getting frustrated because it really wasn't anywhere to be found whatsoever and it still hadn't reappeared in the socket on the kitchen wall. I was about to give up and take up drawing. Then I remembered I cant draw.
Anyway. Found it in Oscar in the end. I have no idea how it got there. Must be poltergeists or something.
The birdies had, during this time, been doing interesting things like singing, swooping, formation flying, cartwheeling and line dancing. Now I had my camera - with limited charge left - they started planning their hiding technique. (Not that bluebird job - he just shows off now).
Here is the first one:

Wait, that's a wabbit. Otherwise known as 'Feral Wabbit'.
Now, I'm not one to digress but they are becoming a lot more common and I really need to get in touch with Land for Wildlife. (Probably something to do with mating and all that.) (The bunnies - not the getting in touch with Land for Wildlife).
For those that love animals, read this bit, not the next paragraph, you should skip that... I think they come and take them to a new home. Like a big wabbit ranch or something.
For those that realise that unfortunately they are a lovely cute looking pest - they get gassed. Well that's what I've heard. Find the warrens and wipe them out. I hope it doesn't damage the Bearded Dragons that we have around here. Anyhoo, we'll find out soon I expect.
(Shame they cant be hunted like they were in the past and some coinage exchanged for tails. Rabbit pie and fur clothing etc.)
So as I was saying. Oranges.
I had put some of the old ones out and it looks like the Lesser Ringed Port Talbot Parrots (something like that) like them:

Then the little yellow birds, Common Leg-Hoppers (?), were flittering around and enjoying the bird bath and the pond waterfall.
[gallery ids="2651,2652,2654,2653" type="rectangular"]
Yes, I know. I've suddenly gone 'picture mosaic style'. As I said ... living on the edge etc.
Also the bottle brush flowers have suddenly popped open. Amazing to be able to stand there and watch them pop from green nodules to a bright red brush in under one second. It's like a weird fire-work display. I suppose that's why they are famous.

Or at least they would be if any of that was true. It would be cool though. I like the idea of 'fast flowers'.
Or singing flowers, now that would be excellent.
Finally, one more thing...
...actually no, that was it.