Anyway it was very easy to pitch. (Packing it is entirely another matter).

We set up camp at a paid site. Ross River is about 85 km away so a pleasant short drive. Lots of people there on arrival. Apparently they had a wedding on there and we were told it might get noisy at night. It didn't though. Just the sound of the generators in the distance and the wolves howling.
Al had some difficulty with our new table which came in extremely useful: (The table not her having a difficulty).

I helped by calling out advice and taking pictures of her - a risky thing to do since she could have used the tripod as a weapon.
The We also had our new fridge with us - ironic really since the outside temp probably ended up being lower than it. Anyway this is the Evakool fridge/freezer (Eva) being powered by the Engel Battery box.

Al went for a stroll up the hill and got some amazing shots of the surroundings. I took TC up but hadn't realised she was up on the range otherwise I could have taken some footage of her - ah well. This is looking back towards the homestead - it's actually around the corner on the right, hidden from view.

Here we have signs of a happy camper and a relaxing camper. (Funny word camper. Say it lots of times, camper camper camper campercampercamper. Weird that.) Anyway:

The night was very cold. Down to below freezing. Thermals and baked potatoes helped us to keep warm. (Obviously we ate one and wore the other - but due to the wine it was a close call).
Luckily they had fire pits there and so we settled down for the ever cooling evening and then freezing night.

Then the stars appeared:

Slept quite well despite the cold. I thought I heard a Polar Bear sniffing around but then I realised it was my head rubbing the side of the tent wall.
The packing and unpacking still takes a bit of time but that should speed up the more we do it. Or not.
(I have just found out that you can't do draft posts when offline - well with pictures anyway. This could be a problem down the track so speak but we'll see).