Still, who cares.
Here are some tools for when we go hunting wood. After chasing it down we can then use the axe and saw to tidy up nature's fuel so we can fit it in Oscar if we need to. (National Parks encourage one to take wood into them rather than hunt the stuff in there. Fair enough).

Also as one gets a bit older we may wonder if our hairs will last. Sometimes I believe it can thin and fall out. (In my case the new growth seems to have taken refuge in my ears. I''m going to label the experience as 'exciting' rather than 'depressing')
So what better way to have fun with it. May I present Dr Al Cornrows!
You go girl!

All her own hair too!
That's it for now. This post was all done using only what we'll be using when we travel. So it was a bit of a test run. It also reminded me of how much I hate iTunes.
Header picture should be of cold winter sky from the other night.