As you can see, on Friday there was an eighty percent chance of rain ... or twenty percent, depending on which bit you read. We didn't get any that day but it's nice to know the thought was there.
The speedy lizards as we call them like to cool themselves down by putting their very long tails in our pool ( for free I might add), oh and please excuse the poor quality pictures - taken with iPad.

When it's cold they vanish somewhere. Speaking of their long tails our 'Step Speedy' ( likes to warm up on the wooden steps going up to the deck) appears to have had a rather unfortunate incident.

Poor little bugger. He can't run away on his hind legs and where he used to leap gracefully off the steps he now just kind of 'plops' off the side. Still I suppose it shows how his 'easy fall-off escape tail device' has worked. (I think that's what it's called but I may be mistaken).
Anyway we have had some rain and now the frogs that hide underground and in our BBQ drawer like to shout at night. I have no idea what Paul McCartney was on when he thought of the 'frog chorus'. Doesn't sound anything like it. Speaking of a Beatle brings me nicely onto Dragons, the bearded ones of course.*
A couple have been 'getting jiggy with it' around our place recently. Apparently it's a rare thing to witness. Not here. These ones are at it like rabbits. I mean really, get a burrow or something. Anyway I happened to disturb their afternoon activity and they then proceeded to look all innocent.

She then decided she was hungry and began eating our plants:

Mind you they usually only take a bit at a time so we don't mind sharing with them. They aren't frightened of us and pretty do what they want. (Obviously). They often don't get out of the way - either by staying so still they believe you can't see them or just not caring. That last sentence I think is proved here when one of them decided to take over the car port and not move for Al when she got home.

Result: Half-parked Troopy.
* Think if it had been real dragons - the imagination runs riot. (Bit like bring in a class-room really ... or was that just me?).