I suppose we do have doors opened and closed depending on his activity. Yes, we do sometimes mistake far off children noises, dogs, cars, chainsaws, planes, wind, as 'meows'. Again, that's ok since he needs checking in on. Yes there is tin foil all around the floor of the back door which he hates - so good yo keep him away from it. No we can't use the washing machine just yet. Yes I had to research this new fangled 'clumping' kitty litter. ( New to us anyway).
As I said, we are pretty much in control.
Anyway, here's one of the lads "chillaxin'".

And this is him falling asleep - no purring:

Oddly that's the opposite of me because I tend to purr after I fall asleep. Al says that humans don't purr and that it's called snoring.
I told her that apparently Tigers can't sneeze. I also like to share interesting facts with her.
( I suppose I better google that fact. I have been known to get confused).