Yes we were up at 5.40 to hit the Ranges before the heat got too ... er, hot.
Loaded with a flask of coffee (just in case it suddenly got cold?). Up we went. A wonderful peaceful view with a few hundred flies and the odd mosquito. Luckily the roos didnt bite us though.
A great start to Christmas day as the last few have always been a bit overcast.
On return we decided to have a 'first look' at our trip blog. As has been mentioned, this proved somewhat difficult so a change of blog host went underway.
We tested out the floaty device which wasn't too bad really:
Turns out that the cloud and rain stayed with us for the evening which was lovely. The only downside meant that on the 26th it was cloudy - 39 degrees - no rain and very humid. Not too nice.
Today, the 27th, it is back to hot sun and possibly some rain later? You can kind of guess how this cycle of hope re the weather goes on at the moment.
Only other news is that it seem the Mr Blue Wren Family have added Hooters as a firm big friend. They love him. Might have to try Falcon McFalconface.
That's it for now.
Oh apart from the fact that I've eaten way too much and there's a bat in the shed.