The cutting of the final mesh was done as Pixel looked on:

The idea was to have a step to aid him to get to the 'airway' run.

Turns out he didn't need it as he barged pass me to explore his new domain.:

Remember, this is a six month old kitten. His new measurement (when laying flat ) is the width of an average corridor.

He seems to enjoy it very much and thankfully is using the kitty litter tray out there. The gravel was supposed to be big enough for him not to dig into. It turns out that due to his massive freakish kitten paws he can easily dig down to the underneath chicken wire and proceed to pee everywhere.
To stop this a layer of chicken wire has been layered on top ... which was not easy to do when he was 'helping'.

All in all he is a lovely addition to our little household. Having said that, he is a cat. He will not be allowed outside. His interest in our back door has lead to the installation of a 'zap mat':

If he steps on this he gets a slight shock ( like static electricity on the lower setting). He has done it twice. Now he doesn't go near it. We however have been zapped several times. Still, it's a good ' wake me up' every now and then.
Speaking of electricity and kittens, here's a picture of our spring onions:

I actually don't want to pull them up after all the effort they've made.
Also, the weird 'alien tropical plant that 'do we really want it there' by the back door' secretly does this at night:

Sneaky heh?
I'm thinking of naming him Brian.
It's always a bit of a challenge to end a blog post neatly.
Well, that's how I find it sometimes.
Then I think why should they be ended neatly? I mean surely if Aristotle ca