. . . at a gentle amble (note to selves . . . AT A GENTLE AMBLE) . . . even close to a week after the last day of work, there's still quite a bit of 'and stop . . . now start again but slower' happening for us both. So, we started well by heading off a bit later than planned and sauntered down the road to our first leg stretch, petrol top up and coffee at Kulgera, just inside the NT border . . . (the future plan is to make coffee before we go and flask it en route but this a.m. the espresso pot and flask were already rather neatly packed in Oscar under several large things).
Later on, about four more hours, we hit Coober Pedy, which, apart from some MASSIVE wind turbines (that look really tiny in the pic below, at right) . . .

. . . . . . was comple

tely unchanged in the 17 years since we'd last passed through from Sydney via Lake Eyre in the wet. The Greek cafe was still at the top of the main street, the weird ventilation shafts from the underground dwellings had perhaps had a coat of paint but not much more, the under-inspiring opal shops were still under-inspiring.
The only thing that had changed was the campground just south of town that we'd stayed in last time . . . chicken wire fencing rather appropriate for that cooped up feeling that was missing from the less organised site from a couple of decades ago. The other change is climactic as it was December 2000 last time, so really a bit hot. Not hot now. At all. In fact the fingers are starting to get a bit numb writing this as the sun goes down and the wind picks up (ah yes, those happy turbines).