So he continues to settle into his new environment. He’s not as scared of flushing toilets, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, mop, fridge, car noises, gravel ‘crunch’ noises, anyone entering the house even if after 5 minutes, as he was. Which is good. As Al continues to work hard Pixel does a good job of sharing her tired state.
Draped over her...

Sleeping but still in contact ...

Sleeping close by and taking up as much room as possible ...

Meanwhile the cattery has turned out to be a success too:

For some strange reason though the native fauna seem fascinated by this ... well, let’s face it, a ‘cage of certain death’ for them if they were to enter it ... and it was full of killer kitten. I mean seriously, do I have to put up warning signs? Let’s face it that no one reads those anyway really.
Here’s a pic of a stupid wren ( part of the Mr Blue mob)

Here is a beardy (Aka ‘Bearded Dragon wanting to get slowly deathed’) Admittedly he cant actually get in but if he had wire clippers he could. Luckily I’ve hidden them.

So apart from the suicidal fauna, Pixel pretends to help me unpack the grocery shopping:

We also got him a cat tower to climb/ scratch/ attack. Was he interested in it as it was being built? Hmmm:

I think the answer is a yes. Interested in it now it’s been built and isn’t new? Well have to see.
The posts are in for the extended cattery area. Now it’s just getting some timber to brace them into a square type thingy. Yes, I know no carpentry terms whatsoever. It’s not really important as long as it stands upright ... or at least 80% of it. Al and I were looking for timber in the chook pen this morning - it’s something we like to do occasionally although often we have no reason to. This time we did - it’s an incredibly action orientated lifestyle we have here. We found a piece but then unfortunately Urma (one of our ancient chooks) got freaked out and escaped. (Not so much as ‘escaped’ but more ‘Quick! Run that way outofthedoor!’) She’s never been out before so it was quite an experience for her. Getting her back in was was very strange and confusing plus it also caused quite a lot of stress. I think Urma felt a little bit that way too.
After what seemed like half an hour but in actual fact was more like 26 minutes she was back in the chook pen.
Oh, and the piece of timber was too short anyway.
Still, you know what they say, “Never keep your timber in pen with chooks that have possibly poor eyesight”. At least I’m pretty sure I’ve heard that although I may be mistaken.
Er what else? Well, it’s hot and humid which tells me rain is coming. There’s just that ominous ‘wet feeling’ which is probably a very bad way of saying that. ( Note to self: scratch the term ‘wet feeling’ when discussing the weather ... or food for that matter).
Plus the forecast says so.