Now you may think Im going to say that that never happened. Well, you'd be right because it didn't.
These days we have things like blogs ( no you don't get points for seeing where this is going ... you do get some for persevering though) and like diaries I tend to ... well not do them very well.
That's a long way of saying 'My blog posts are further apart'. Luckily for me I can make simple things appear to be quite complicated. Lucky I say Because I hope it will keep my mind ... er...whatsit... you know...thingy... that complicated word ...
Focused - that's it.
So what's been happening? Well, I'm glad I asked because I've just taken some photos in 40 degree heat.
Tomatoes. Yes, we now have some. They aren't vines as such but sprawling 'look like I'm dying' variation.

(The bowl is put out each morning so they can jump in when they feel they are ripe enough. It works rather well).
We have sweet potatoes that I think may take over the world:

Also I am trying some seeds. Surprisingly they do better outside in the extreme heat than they do inside. Inside there doesn't appear to be enough light for them and they just go " Oh whats the point" and stop growing. They don't really die. Just do nothing on purpose. Outside, well, look:

What are they? Aha, well I have some little marker cards which I haven't used so it's pretty much guess work. Pak choi and radishes or beetroot ... maybe.
We have a new fig tree which is still alive after four weeks.

The Sturt Desert Pea is also still alive:

The eromophelia or aeromoffalla depending on how it's spelt is coming back after it's severe trim:

We have had a bit of rain so with the heat etc everything is growing extra fast. Which brings me neatly to the cattery build, which is growing at a slower rate. :

So far I have learnt that I should have done parts of it in a completely different way. Oh well. What you can't see here are the forty to fifty thousand flies that try to help out by crawling into my eyes and ears. (Well, four or five maybe) Still that's Outback 'Stralia for you. There be flies and heat and if you can't deal with it well tough! Actually going inside to the air con and a cold drink is usually a good idea.
So Pixel went to the vet. I went with him since he can't drive yet. Once I got him out of his carrier (oh we had fun with that process. The vet didn't look too impressed) he had his injection etc. He was pretty well behaved although he did act a bit annoyed later in the day. His microchip works and we noticed it had his date of birth on it. ( Well the paperwork not the actual chip) He's actually only five months old.
I'm sure he's bloody huge to be only five months. I mean how big will he get? We have a future panther here. I decided to try and measure him:
It was a little difficult since he can stretch himself out to forty times his normal size ... or not. He reminds me of one of those squeeze musical instruments. What are they called? Timpani - that's a drum I think. You know, piano keys and a squeezy box. Sound like an asthmatic duck. Harpsichord? No. Zucchini? No.
Accordion!? Yes that's it. Or Concertina? What's the difference? I've lost all sense of direction. Note to self: don't add lib when typing.
Oh yes. Stretchy cats. attacking the tape measure didn't help.

Anyway we will soon see how big he gets. Maybe he'll be like the seeds when indoors and just stop growing.
Not much else really ( well, lots, but not for increasing the boredom factor).
Oh, latest LEGO cards.