Lake Argyle, although man-made (google it if interested) is quite a sight really. As is the surrounding scenery. While taking pictures of Boab trees I had an opportunity to take some pictures of my now almost bald spouse. It was in an area of fire damage and reminded me of the semi -post apocalyptic Tank Girl comic books (please don't flame me comic geeks if it isn't actually post apocalyptic). Check this out if ever you want a weird introduction to 'comicology '

Anyhoo - moving on:
We found a river and decide to stop and observe. We don't get much flowing water in Alice so this was quite exciting for us. Boring for others I'm sure. Anyway her are some pics of water.

It was at this point that Al found a 'furry weird plant' that she found appealing. (And she calls me weird.)

Moving on. We were able to make a point of going slow enough to keep caravans behind us. The trip was only 70km out to the lake so we had plenty of time to enjoy the scenery.
We stopped at another place where a Overally Coloured Bee-eater resided:

At the lake:
(And here you have to imagine some water because oddly I don't have any pictures of the place - maybe I was concentrating on our picnic).
We then finally got to our little picnic spot at the end of Lake Argyle Dam. Obviously minus picnic bag.
Still we had the food so we improvised. Concentrating mainly on not letting the wind blow things away.
After an interesting feed we headed back to go for a walk in the national park. However due to feeling completely knackered we went to an art gallery in town, bought some coffee and fuel and then crashed out for most of the afternoon.
We did go for a walk into the park later. Here's proof:

I've also decided that I really like the idea of a house boat. Not sure if it would be appropriate in Alice Springs though.

Tomorrow we have a long drive to Daly Waters. We have already reset our watches to NT time so in my calculations we are currently around 3.30am next Tuesday. Although I could be mistaken.