Plus he's had his service and a wash and is now back with his mate Troopie.

There has been plenty of 'garden activity' by us humans. Unusual for this time of year since we usually do it in the 40 degree days. (Mad Englishman etc). Part of our plan is (are?) raised beds. We have got two and after putting in 3,521 little bolts (I counted them ... but I may have got the exact number slightly out) here they are. They look rather like paddling pools at the moment. We went metal rather than wood or plastic for reasons of sun and termites. (Haha, autocorrect changed 'metal' to 'mental'. Quite accurate actually.)

So, lots of clearing, raking and now some planting at some stage. (The little 'fencing' is to stop the rabbits from getting in. We would need a bigger fence to stop bears but I don't think they eat salad). I'm pretty sure this can't be counted as a waste of time. The gardening that is, not the blog.
Which reminds me. I recently found an almost complete image of a 'Magazine Cover' I made a long long time ago. (There was small print in the grey areas). I did several. I may even do more. Who knows? Who cares?

Oh, I also made some uber floor cleaner. Oh yes, it all happens here. Ajax and hydrochloric acid! It's brilliant but does require gloves, and care when using. Oh and goggles. I have been known to spray my face with acid and end up in A&E. It was an interesting, painful and eventually, luckily, a real eye opener. Two eyes eyes actually.
So. Advice for this time: Don't spray acid into your eyes. Not ever. (Who would have thunk?)
Right off to light a fire. Not a waste of time because we have some potatoes that are going to experience a baking. Look: