But food was involved, so, like the seasoned campers we are, we found kitchen roll that had been used to reduce rattles in the packing, water bottles and mallets to pin down our kitchen roll plates (in the remarkably strong breeze . . . something to do with the lake/dam water we think!) and strong stares to dissuade the birds that were getting quite interested in joining us for lunch.
Slapper, Oscar's on board sat nav lady (I'm only calling her that to be polite), didn't believe in Lake Argyle, or the road we were on (she thought the lake was a couple of hundred ks earlier and seriously freaked out as we were leaving town, getting really quite stroppy about all the times we needed to u-turn and didnt. . . hmmmm, or is she just messing with us?)

Talking of rattles . . on the way back from the lake to Kununurra, we stopped a couple of times to rectify the mysterious rattle that was coming from somewhere in Oscar . . .

Of course, we didn't manage to find it.
But primarily, we enjoyed some fab scenery type stuff . . .
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Definitely think I'll be doing a series of tree paintings,
Then . . . came back to town, crashed (seriously, and I mean SERIOUSLY crashed . . . not sure because of the roast chicken lunch or the prospect of two BIG days of driving ahead)/ Then wandered down to 'Celebrity Tree Park' (no, really, you don't want to know)) for the sunset . . .
. . . and more trees . . . and the houseboat we'd like to have as our holiday home . . .
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