Yesterday I moved Jaws, the big fish from his life-long half-wine barrel. I have no idea how fish work in the wild (or anywhere else for that matter) so I did wonder if he/she would eat some of the smaller fish in the big pond. This I figured wouldn't be too much of a problem as they will need culling soon (or given away to passing children or something. Although thinking about it that might be frowned upon).
So from here,

To here,

It seems that Jaws has been the one that was chased around by the others and now he has hidden. I tried to get a photo of him/her but no luck yet. Anyway I'm sure you all know what a fish looks like. Golden and fish shaped.
I have also been bird spotting/chasing/annoying. Here is another Eagly thing:

Here are some Pinked Billed Sandscratchers having a conversation about fruit:

And here a a Turquoise Hopper Wren.:

Al has told me that I'm getting the bird names wrong. However I had to remind her that I'm the one with the bird books. One day I will read them and show her. Having said that of course I have been known to make the odd the mistake in my orthanologist identifications. It's rare though.
I'm really hoping to spot the Great Warbling Heron out here soon. Al says I won't stand a chance. Huh.
Speaking of which our recent change of mousetraps have been quite succcesful. From these:

To these:

Now I hope they will stay out of the piano (the mice not the traps) and the stress on the piano tuner ( who visits twice a year to Alice) won't be quite as traumatic.
Haha, my auto correct changed 'piano' to 'pisano'.
I'm easily amused.