Now, I'm not really one to digress but:
I saw a whole lot of Babbler birds this morning (honestly, they are called Babblers - I checked). However the pictures aren't here because they are still on the camera. I will need to sort them out.
This made me think of The Muppet show. (For those too young ... well, it was one hell of a ride ... it was a TV show. A good one too. It aired between 1976 and 1981 - ish.
Anyhoo. During that time my wonderful older (and apparently knowledgeable) sister said one of the characters (puppet) reminded her of me. So much so that she even made me a cushion of said character.
I happened upon this clip ('happened upon'? does anyone use that these days?) of this truly ...interesting/unique/disturbed character. Hence the memory.
May I present to you, Beaker:

And here he is being creative. (Thanks for the memory and the cushion Sis):
Slightly embarrassing to think I'm not quite as skilled as him in real life. (Although I do look as good him though... just).