The service is in two weeks time (takes a while for things like tyres to get to The Alice). He sulked on the way home and stopped playing music. His media/sat Nav screen became unresponsive. Not one to put up with this kind of behaviour I pulled up and stopped. Turned off the ignition and then, to finally turn off all the electrics, took out the key and opened the door.
Electrics off.
Weirdly the screen stayed on. 'Don't make me go in there and disconnect your battery young man!'
I realised I had said that out aloud. Thank goodness no one was there, although sensible people don't listen to me anyway. No, I'm not self deprecating ... I'm no good at that.
On restarting him he decided to change his screen to 'functional ... but you know who's really in charge' mode.
It was a hard day.
Ok, not really, that was a lie. But still I had to face a new dilemma in my life.
Fish food.
I mean really what is the difference between these? Apart from the obvious.

Well, this is what I could see on the back to try and find out:

Yes. I had forgotten to take my reading glasses. So I got both of them. I hope to get feedback from the fish to which they prefer.
Sadly, I know in reality this will not happen.
But imagine if it did!
Al was being creative and came up with this. ( not the poor photo but the 'Oil on canvas' dontja know)

Gosh, I think she's clever.
I think it is going to be re-stretcherered.
Yes, that's a word. 'We' use it in the art world.
Anyhow, apart from that I managed to chase and frighten a Speckled Hombre Finch. Look:

Well, not frighten then. Maybe more of a 'pester' judging by that telltale look he/she (?) is giving me.
Speaking of which:
I have just realised that watching the whole of Magnum PI might take a while. It's description sounds brilliant (for a 50 year old that remembers the 80's in a 'hate it, love it' kind of way).

'Own the legacy' - haha. Excellent.
129 hours eh? Enough time for me to grow an awesome moustache.
Now that would be a legacy.