So.... after some pretty pretty scenic stuff from Kununurra through Timber Creek and Victoria Waters

(amid cries of 'Ohhhh NOW I remember it' and fond memories of the last time through with S & P) we made it through the metropolis (relatively defined... it really was a bit of a shock to the system... people. traffic lights. Traffic jams in car parks) after an ill advised stop to get a sandwich at a bakery. The fuel station where wed stopped on the way in was sadly deficient in any kind of 'food' that didn't sit proudly sweating in its macintosh of lard in the heat cabinet. Even the bakery had only two sandwiches that didn't involve southern fried chicken and bacon. Katherine eh.
So we're here at the roadhouse in Daly Waters, trying to look intimidating , or at least a little bit odd, sat outside our rather thin walled room, hoping to dissuade the neighbours on either side from getting too close. Bundy and rum prob would have looked the part better than a nice Margaret River white.

Early night and earplugs for two please!