We stopped in Katherine for a dodgy sandwich. It was very busy ( the town not the sandwich) but that's not surprising with it being a main junction (the town not the sandwich).
Counted the amount of people that had beards in a 'car game'. If ever you want to try it all you need to know is that it isn't as exciting as it sounds.
I also learnt that there is such a thing as a 'Dogbat' and a 'Moosebat'.
It's been an inspiring day.
As the sun sets we can listen to the gentle sound of the Roadhouse generator. Can't complain as my iPad and laptop will benefit from its efforts. (We don't need to use the power but hey, if you pay for it you might as well use it. I'm sure someone famous once said that. )
Tomorrow we have 907km to do. I intend to sing the whole way.