I have a list of things that need to be done around the place while I'm on long service leave. Today I made the list. Sort of. So at least that is done.
I also found an old book that I was looking through ( I suppose that's called 'reading'). Survival stories. It's a bit basic but I figured after our cold nights it would be interesting ...

... to realise just how easy we had it, have it and hopefully continue to keep having it. As Bear says "There's a price to pay for high adventure". I'll take his advice and from now on all my ventures are going to be kept around ankle height.
We had a fire in our wood burner last night (lounge). I might have overdone it a bit as we ended up sitting in t-shirts and shorts watching Game of Thrones. Tonight they reckon it's only dropping to 8 degrees so no fire tonight.
Al has sold a painting of a bird. Good on 'er. It's of a Ruffle Feathered Hook-Billed Parrot,

although some have said it could be a Port Lincoln or something. I think they are confused with a town poor things. Anyway Oil on Canvas dontja know.
We have a new printer on order. Al's often only prints bits of a picture. Shouting then ensues ( sorry 'gentle encouragement') and then it seems to still on print part of the picture.
My printer worked for the last six years.
Until one day it just didn't. Wouldn't even turn on. I appreciate it being so precise in its failure.
Speaking of printers that reminds me ... eggs.
My sister let me know that I also used to call hard boiled eggs 'Bangy eggs'. ( I can't remember this but I'm assuming it's because of using a spoon to attack it with). It could be embarrassing so instead I've decided to embrace the term. Actually we have some eggs in the fridge so I will go off and make some bangy eggs right now.
That seems like an shin high venture - should be safe.