Is dreaming being creative? A kind of automatic creativity. I'm good at that.
Building a house - now that's probably creative and very useful. It would take time but that's acceptable. Building a model out of a pile of sticks that then looks like a pile of sticks ... well that is just a waste of time. Unless you had fun doing it of course. Is that what it's about, good mental health? I built a model of a pile of sticks and then decided to call it 'A fire'. That way it can't be a waste of time. (Unless you don't need one of course).
These questions ran through my mind ( a scary place at the best of times) when setting up Lego for a photo shoot. It's something I do. They get sold as cards etc. Speaking of cards, and as you know I'm not one to digress, I got a snap of Jaws in his/her new home. The others have left him/her alone now.

He/she is the orange one.
Also here are the Babblers that turned up the other day. They travel in groups and sound like weird squeaky toys.

Anyway, back to the creative thing. As Al completes painting after painting I am sometimes stunned at the ever increasing quality and ideas. I once tried to Oil paint. The lump of oil I attempted to put on the canvas just fell off onto the floor. Not a good start but I suppose that sign meant it was an appropriate finish.
I have fiddled with computer stuff. Photoshop and 3D stuff. It's fun. So I don't think it's a waste of time. But then it could be. I mean I can spend ages making silly faces at my self in the mirror. That's also fun and it's definitely a waste of time. Good for mental health though - so maybe it isn't. Er, oh yes computer stuff - this is what I mean.
The 3D scene:

And then mash it up with Photoshop. Maybe write what I was thinking when doing the scene:

Another example:

Anyhoo. Here's the Lego one:

I've just thought, maybe thinking about wasting time is actually wasting time.
How ironic.