I awoke to various muscle pains that I like to call 'driving stress' although now having mentioned it, it doesn't sound as good as it did at 5am.
I noticed our last blog was rather grammatically messed up. Boy were we tired.
Still, when we did arrive back at the gate we had wildlife happening right there. (If I said that as a teenager it would quite exciting. I'm not so it's not - but here you go anyway).
A hawk that very rudely faced the wrong way was taking away the young ... for it's young (I hope). The meal was rather large - but then that's quite fitting for Alice Springs.

Anyway - speaking of food I went into town this am to get some. I sang to The Jam on the way in and then realised I didn't know the words so instead I did that mumbling made up stuff that would be embarrassing to anyone that heard. Since the only person that could hear it was me, and I'm quite critical of myself, I stopped. (The singing, not the music or the car).
I then proceeded to have a rather stressful time arguing with the supermarket checkout machine since it insisted on weighing my bag (esky version) and then get confused. I had to call the girl over to help FIVE times. Finally she just stayed there until I had finished. She said it was a bad system. I agreed and told her I wouldn't be back, Unless they had their smoked salmon deal on or I needed any of their meat since it is always better than Woolies.
I digress.
I then went to visit a friend in hospital. I played with the electronic bed which was fun. I didn't take any flowers because I guessed they probably would have been given some - and I was right. Instead I gave unhealthy food, words of encouragement, and a puzzle book. I'm sure that will help.
Home is lovely - although after four weeks of having a limited choice of what to wear the walk in wardrobe is a scary place. Too many choices. I'm sure I don't need a lot of the stuff I have.
I'm going to look into how to sell things on Gum Tree or Ebay. Surely it cant be that hard. (I will have lots of small print though.)

Finally here is a picture of a BBB.
(For my sister that stands for 'Boring Brown Bird')
Actually I think It's a Black Eyed Chatterer.