And then that red dirt bit about 50ks north of town.

Kinda sad really, in an 'I don't care' kinda way that the most anticipatory we've been arriving anywhere is coming in to home.
Just love home.

So got back and Bean had a bird encounter as we were unlocking the gate (key still there .... yay)

Then had fire. With inappropriately large amounts of fuel, especially given we're not cooking (tho it's the first 1 degree night we've had since we left)

And now just chilling and loving the trip and loving being home.

Momentary pause for appreciation of young Oscar who on rather old boots brought us safe around, and slightly less young Bean who did steely and sterling and gilded (any more metal metaphors don't spring to mind but I'd use them if they did) work driving the fellow. And for the sticker and tutorial on how to screen shot on a phone.
