
The bush caravan/camping place we're staying at is also lovely (though the size of the mosquitos is frankly a little bit terrifying, and led to a frenzy of mozzie coil, pyrethrum spray and deet lotion buying in town as soon as we'd pitched camp). It's to be expected I guess, as we're in a wetlands area and right next to a place called Pink Lake (which isn't actually pink as the algae that made the salt lake that colour has long gone). It was very pretty, however, this morning, the glimpse I got of it on the morning run along the mainish road . . .

Today we did boring stuff like getting the tarp awning sorted (for the rain that will surely come!), doing a proper laundry and food shop, as well as visiting Cape Le Grande National Park (where we'll return tomorrow for a proper walk up a large hill).

We also found some more food for Piggy by a very photogenic plantation forest (no officer, the wood was just lying by the side of the road). . . as we'd used nearly the first of the two bags of pine cones we'd collected from the beach in Ceduna . . . thank you Ceduna for one useful thing!

We also bought him some leg extensions (he now has double length legs so will be a bit easier to sit around on our normal sized chairs). This little ones are great under awnings but are very hard to get out of (as distinct from falling over sideways out of, which seems to be the only way we've so far discovered of exiting them).
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