A nice tour on a boat with a personal helicopter transport watching whales and dolphins and oysters making pearls and then have massage with essential oils that were probably essential to the creature it was stolen from.
Or be a backpacker hippy type - not care - pass out on a beach.
Broome. Like it or don't really. Personally I'm not sure. I'm a slightly confused (some say ugly) person.
We went to the cemeteries this morning to see how the Japanese one had been restored thanks to some keen backers. Most of them were from the pearl diver days (teh graves not the backers). (Plus ...a whole load of history here that I hope Al is posting - if not then here:
It's actually quite interesting).

They used 'Beach Stone' for the headstones - works rather well I feel.
We also saw a 'jetty' which was rather small and apparently (the mangroves and surrounding area) was full of crocs and other things that stung, bit ,suffocated, maimed, killed etc.
Here's Al at the end of it:

We did some shopping. Al bought some shorts. We also bought a Thai takeaway curry. We went to the museum that was quite small but very interesting. I didn't take any photos because I thought I was in one of those museums where you aren't allowed to. My god I'm an idiot. This is Broome. So you'll have to imagine the sort of things they had on display. (This link doesn't really help, but it does tell you where the toilets are which I didn't know they had - extra point to them then.
We then (later) went to cable Beach to see the famous camels at sunset ride. That idyllic mix of sand, sea, camel, and ... thought. (?)
This is the sort of thing:

We've seen the photos. How romantic. What a great idea. Now, being slightly linked with the camel 'ways' (Al's paintings and out links with Yulara (Ayers Rock) Camel Tours etc) we were looking forward to sampling this experience.
Well, here it is. Brace yourselves:

Why oh why?
We are still in shock with the whole experience.
I think this shot of Al sums it up really, so I'll leave it at that.

Anyway. Tomorrow we head off somewhere else. Kimberley methinks.
OH! OH! I meant to say - Oscar has suffered an injury. Look:

Broken indicator lens! Now this is the part that I go all sarcastic. Thank goodness he decided to have a coloured bulb and a clear lens rather than (everyone else) a clear bulb and a coloured lens. That should be so much easier to replace.
Still, good on 'im.
Until the morrow.
PS. No birds in Broome (some kind of democracy I think) so you've all been spared the ornithological educational section this time.