Tomorrow we will be out of reach from all this very useful techno stuff and will have to just appreciated the bush for what it is.
Al has bought a pig which we need to get going. I'll leave that there as she will surely explain in her post - I hope.
so here are some more pics from today around our wave watching trip:
Local Resident at camp area:

Oscar enjoying the scenery:

I found an egg but wasn't allowed to keep it:

Al and other fauna enjoying the sea breeze and splashy water stuff:

A surfer that finally stood up: (Yes, I know that when i tried it was a failure etc)

Al sketching:

This gull has been stalking me. See how it looks at me? This one was lurking near the tent. Creepy.

The weather turns and rumbles in the distance. Time to scidaddle. (Is that a word?) update: Apparently it's 'skedaddle' . I have it on good authority. (!)

That's it for now. Tomorrow we head east and then in two nights we should be in Ceduna with internet connection again.