Today the sunrise was pretty good and Al went off for her run. I decided to get up also and go for a walk. The fresh sea air was quite refreshing ( by that I mean, cold and blowy).

We then hit the town and it was dentist time. My Dentinst Person and I searched for the upper left hand tooth that was causing the problem but instead found a bottom left one that unfortunately had a crack all the way down plus decay. So, to cut a long story short, out it came. The dentist put his foot on my neck and yanked away until I had lost a little more weight.
We returned to the camp area and then walked the 3.2km along a path into town .
We managed to watch some pelicans do a fly-by:

They have other birds here too but I haven't got to googling what they are yet. Im pretty sure this is a Lesser-striped Dingbat:

It is now 6.30pm and dark and windy and cold. Our tent is cosy and we have an awe full lot of thermals to keep us functioning. We are sitting outside listing to the gentle lapping of water from the shore. I'm hoping this iPad will warm my knees a bit.
It's not.
My mouth is still rather annoying so I'm feeling rather sorry for myself. Poor Al having to put up with me.
Al: 'What do you think you can manage to eat this evening? Noodles are quite soft, or there's soup?'
Me: 'Don't care. Nothing. Not interested in eating' (Then proceeds to sigh like a grumpy adolescence).
I'll have to try and snap out of it! (Stupid teeth. Stupid dentists. Stupid decay. Stupid people that had the noisy kids last night. Stupid dog owners that let them run off the lead in a protected flora and fauna area and where the notice says very clearly that they have to be on a lead. Stupid old men that grumble like babies after being to the dentist. Oh wait, that's me isn't it.)
Right time to investigate that banana that I managed to capture earlier today.