Note the oil rig on the horizon. Not something you see everyday. Unless you live on an oil rig or live with a view of an oil rig - which is fairly rare in Alice Springs.
I wondered the coastline a little and saw some rock:

Also that Rock Falcon I mentioned, well I think it is, although I could be mistaken:

Arrived today at a place called Hemelin Station Stay. Rather disappointing. No fires allowed when stated they were. Weren't allowed to use their walking track to the Stogglamites (Stagglemites?) because it was on their property (?). We are rather packed in at the site and so we are using Poppy. There are some interesting people here. One talked to me about batteries. Nice enough guy but I was more keen on catching the last of the sun on our solar panels for charging Engel (our battery box). Now it is getting colder and a small child is screaming nearby. It feels like it is going to get cold so with luck that should numb the kids ridiculously loud vocal cords into submission.
We did venture out to see the Stragglemots (Sogglemats?). Apparently they are the world's first eco system. Look:

I have to say that I am more of a fan of coral really. I did see a fish which was rather more exciting:

But not by much.
Al, now looking like some science fiction character from a comic book was as excited by the Stabblmites as I was:

That's a grimace of unimpressed-edness.
So now we are planning where to go tomorrow. As long as it is away then all is good. Luckily the sun has been out and the weather dry so far. A really nice change.
Until the morrow then. (And yes, small child still being annoying).