Left Margaret River after a great sunrise and then some major fog ...

Had a weird time driving thru Perth, seeing the skyline we usually see when walking from our hotel in East Perth

And passing under the bridge we walk over to get to the Kings Park botanic gardens

A few hours later the sun came out

At the same rest spot where a kindly wren directed us to the lookout

Later we had a fab night at a free rest spot at the side of the road. Just south of Geraldton.

It was still cold though

So today we ent 400k north again to Shark Bay. With everyone else. Yup. Will take us a bit of getting used to that everywhere seems pretty packed.
Hamelin Pool has some good marine life stuff ...

And pretty views. But we're not going to Denham or to Monkey Mia.
All the National Park camp spots have been booked in the Pilbara, quite probably years in advance by the regular returnees (can't blame em) so it'll be a different mindset needed from here on in I guess. Having a look now a places north of Carnarvon, which I reckon will be nothing like its Welsh namesake, though I hope we like it as much.