After an early start from our Karratha Econolodge (yes, really) that was delayed only by Bean's incomprehension at the length of the charger lead on his (now our!) clippers ...

... and our final story to ourselves that the steel external shutters on the window and the metal framed double locking door were only a) to keep out light and sound for the mine workers on shift sleeping in the day and b) cyclone protection. Really, the place seemed perfectly pleasant!
So. today we found the Pilbara Red colour from my Art Spectrum oil paint ...

That'll be the iron ore. We also found a kind of post steam-punk, semi-apocalyptic Mad Max type world. Also a result of the iron ore, and gas and salt that people are digging up, scooping out and otherwise extracting.

Port Headland really is awe-inspiring and kinda terrifying. There be monsters here. Striding across distant horizons...

...thundering past...

...or in bits in great piles by the side of the road

The roadhouse where we gave Oscar a bit of a drink added to the sense of really being quite a long way from most places.

Landscape wise, however, it felt pretty close to home. We're almost on the same parallel and the scrubby trees, rocky outcrops and buffel grass was somehow comfortingly familiar.
But of course just down the track ...

... is this.

And these.

(arrangement courtesy of our shell competition which we think Bean won, though he admits cheating did play some not small part in his victory).