Saturday, 15 July 2017

Mmmmn Ceduna (Al)

With the exception of this little thing, that was unselfconsciously nestled amongst the more conventional sea-front houses along the 'Encounter Trail' from the Sailing Club (where I slowed to watch the women up to their knees in the water while their menfolk looked on . . .  only working out after I'd seen the sign saying 'under no circumstances is anyone allowed to collect shellfish' what they were doing) . . .


All my pictures of Ceduna are looking out to sea . . .

[gallery ids="1054,1053,1052,1051" type="rectangular" orderby="rand"]

Now, to be fair to the town (out of season, on a rainy Sunday), it has offered us both an activity and a resource in the collection of pine cones we gathered before the rain really set it . . . I've read that they are much enjoyed by Piggy, so we'll see.