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In fact, apart from a big bit after Ceduna, and a few smaller bits, there were a remarkable number of trees, of all different types. Lots of fauna too . . .

. . . just most of it in a heap by the side of the road, being picked at quite fastidiously by the local crows, who we decided are probably the hardest crows in the world. As we speed by the mound of roo, wombat or emu, said crow does not fly away, does not even scottle off in any kind of hurry, but simply takes two steps to the left to take her over the solid white line. Hard as. After a while, the roadkill actually got quite disturbing/depressing. I forwent my planned-for Nullabor run on the day we left Caiguna roadhouse for Esperance as the thought of hopping over the various dead things did not seem an enticing addition to the run activity.
Talking of animal road signs . . . a couple of things to add . . . in WA a lot of the signs have an image of a roo and a cow (and possibly a sheep) with the warning to 'beware stray animals': not sure if I was a roo how I'd feel about being called 'stray'. More like the humans bombing down those roads are where they shouldnt be . . . similarly . . . the warning to beware unfenced roads . . . .hmmmm maybe its not the roads' that we need to be paying attention to . . . but enough! There were other things we saw on the Nullabor too
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natural and manmade awesomeness!