Important if you are pregnant or in the First World War. Hopefully not both at the same time. Boy was it tough back then - or so I've heard.
Getting back to the point we had a big push today. (Why does this still sound bad?). After our sardine, dictatorial, screaming child from Beelzebub himself we did the BP. ( Quick pic of 'The Pit')

We are now in Karratha. Well known for mining Gas,Iron, sea salt, LPG gas and anything else they can suck out of the earth to improve our kitchens. Because it took over 8 hours driving we arrived a tad late. Now in a cheap lodge feeling exhausted. BUT!! Look!

Yes folks, we have returned to normal temperatures. I have now put on shorts. My knees happily scaring the locals.
Al took some shots on the drive which, wow, this part of Aus is huge!
Banannanana tree

First termite mound ( not the first but our first)

And for some reason shots of the bugs that decided to spread themselves widely over our windscreen.

Our aim of the BP is actually to head to Broome now to hang out there.
Thing is you see, this is peak season here. The camp sites and especially the national park sites are mostly booked. I suppose makes sense. We are just used to going 'out bush'. Spoilt brats that we are.
Anyhoo heading to 80 mile beach tomorrow.
More importantly I found my fake eyes. I'm a simple individual who is easily amused.

Going to eat some noughts - Niigata. - boo fat. - Noughgat ( finally , auto correct allowing me to almost make sense ... forget the spellink)
Oh, saw lots of dead goats today. Surprising as I didn't know they grew them out this way.
Until then the morrow then.