Right, where was I? Oh yes.

We then headed off to visit some Tingle trees. ('Tingle' meaning 'tree'. So we went off to see some Tree trees). These are proper big jobs that apparently only grow in this region. I had heard Al mention this thing called the tree-top walk or sky walk or something like that. It hadn't actually dawned on me that it would involve being up quite high. I really should pay attention to these things. I'm not a fan of heights really. I appreciate the fact that it is something that is needed in this world but I would rather be more below it than on top of it. Maybe as one grows older we become more aware of things like plummeting to an untimely demise. Who knows.
So these metal walkways that swayed a bit went 40 metres up. That's about 36 metres more than I care for. I attempted to take photos of Al to pretend I was in control of my functions. Whenever she grins inanely I know I should be worried about something.

I found that if I kept my eyes focused on the end of the next metal walk -way and guide my hand along the railing (which quite frankly felt rather wobbly) I could make it further along and still be alive and without wetting myself. Another thing that helped was holding my breath and not daring to look at the 'view' (or 'vision of certain death'). After what seemed like an hour of walking but interestingly was only three minutes I found this. I knelt down to take a photo so I didn't die.

I've only just read it now actually. Still, I managed to get up. I felt that the children that were behind us would be confused by stepping over a sobbing old bloke hugging the steel floor (that felt decidedly dodgy actually).
Battling on like a trooper, not really knowing where Al was or why my legs were numb I made it to the end. Solid ground.
It was easy really. No worries. I heard the children disguise their cries of terror with laughter. Cunning.
Apparently it had been raining but that was something I hadn't noticed. Back at a sensible height (as in, my own) we ambled through the ancient woodland. Fascinating and well laid out.
Al stood in a tree:

I took a picture of a tree:

A lot of them had big holes in their bases which rather alarmed me until I read that the holes grow as the tree grows. Understanding that fact helped me to relax a little. Amazing how useful reading is.
Oddly some of the trees had grown speakers:

These I believe they are there so it can scream out "The Skywalk is about to collapse! Everybody panic!" ...
... if such a situation were to happen.
Evolution - very clever.
I'm not one that is great with segues.
The summit we climbed had over 300 steps. Mount Frankland it was called. (And still is) I read that fact (300 steps) on the notice after we were coming back down. Note to self: Read warning notices in the right order.
It was a great view. The cloud and rain sort of got in the way but I was that knackered that I didn't really care. Al of course is fitter than I am.
Just thought I'd state the obvious.

The woods there or maybe it was another place - (my mind was rather fuzzy by now and I hadn't had a lie down all day) also had weird stuff happening. The wood itself seemed confused.

We were lucky that the rain would suddenly stop at the appropriate moments.
Then we saw some art stuff in the woods. I don't think I was supposed to understand it so that was ok. There was a big mirror that was rather fun. I think more woodland places should have them installed.

Here's some other arty stuff.

Oh - I thought I had more pictures but obviously not. Never mind. Speaking of art we had a great little meal at a place called 'Beyond the Bend' in Nunfdalupdup or something. (Look ... I'm trying my best ok).
I ate some nice cheese.
We then bought some nice cheese from a Winery that made cheese. Cool.
We also bought some wine. The winery was called ... Rickety Gates?
Anyway it's very nice.
It is bitterly cold outside at the moment. We sat out and watched the bird-life not get cold for a while as we quite rapidly did. Now we are in the warm.
I'm so happy.
Tomorrow we're off to Margaret River. Famous for it's Plum Jam and Grouse Hunting I gather.
Although I could be mistaken.