Sunday, 30 July 2017

Broomewards (Al)

So, after a final (and much more enjoyable - as I'd worked out which bit of the beach is 'just right' to run on, not too squidgy, not too fluffy - run at 80 mile beach, where I too, enjoyed the sight of the little rivulets on the sand that looked like either great mountain ranges, or tree-lines, we headed to Broome.

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We were a bit trepidatious, given the nightmare stories of campsites in town we'd heard (I'll leave Bean to tell that story).  Our minds were not really taken off such anxious thoughts by the, frankly, rather dull landscape of the Great Northern Highway.  We did see some cows, however.


And when we finally ended up in the apartment we'd rather flukily scored, got rather over excited about the fruit we bought for our late lunch and coffee hit . . . (make up your own script for this sequence).

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The reason? No espresso for us either this morning or en route, as we'd left 80 Mile in rather a windblown hurry ... a result of the anxiety of getting to Broome in good time to get a campsite (phnarrgh, in retrospect), and because the gale that was blowing that morning, while helpfully drying BT's rather damp underside as we rolled her up, nearly took away Shady the trusty cabbana/wind/sun/light rain hidey-cavern, so Bean had to rather suddenly start packing up when I was merrily running down the beach (eyes left so I wasn't blinded by the Southerly blown sand).

BUT.  We made it to Broome.  We're in a fab place for two nights.  We've walked to Cable Beach and taken a couple of pictures there.  And now, down time . . .
