Left Coober Pedy after a very cold night. Ear plugs were needed for bloke in the next cage who snored like a trooper.
Waved good bye to one of the largest wind mills I've ever seen:

Then we headed south through vast very very flat scenery. We saw an Emu. It didn't acknowledge us which was rather disappointing.

Long straight roads with road trains hurtling by went on for hours...and hours...and hours.
We then found Lake Hart or it found us.
[gallery ids="403,404" type="rectangular"]
We went through Port Augusta which was quite novel what with traffic lights, bendy roads and such-like. There were some ranges off to the side that I'm guessing could be The Adelaide Ranges.
It was a great surprise that the road took us through these ranges to get to Wilminton. I suppose not reading a map can lead to adventure (Not that that was really a great adventure). Our Sat Nav has a slight attitude problem which has unfortunately led to her nickname being 'Slapper'.
The ranges were fun and they seemed to grow their own cockatoos which I thought was very impressive.

Finally we got to Wilmington which is a very pleasant area with a pretty nice camp area.

We are about to light a fire and we can hear ghosts in the nearby wood. Al says they might be Kookaburras.
Oscar did throw an amber light on the dash today. It's gone after a restart. I'm googling it and I think it might have been an over ride of the cruise control because it thought it had been on too long without any change.
I could be totally wrong which tends to happen a bit.
Crap - just started to rain - Time to move!