Not a bad place old MR. Interesting enough the locals tend to copy what the wildlife does.

Flying above water:

Talking of surfing I've been trying to learn a bit more about it by paying attention to notices and things. It's been a while since I gave it a go (sort of) and I'm quite impressed by these lot that don't mind the freezing water. They've got a great place to do it.

This morning I went for a walk by the river. I saw the strangest behavior by a duck like creature. That was then told off (I assume?) by another (female?).
Here's weird duck:

Here's unimpressed annoyed duck:

The goings on disturbed the other locals:

Anyway look here for the odd noises etc (because the next bit is even better - well sort of).
When Weird duck had been sent away he started playing submarines all by himself! Brilliant.
Anyway apart from weird ducks I saw some plants that were doing their thing.

After the very little amount of calories I had burnt off we headed out to a Nougat Making Place which kindly sold us a few bars (well ten actually) after they had given us samples. Just like crack cocaine probably.
We then went to a chocolate making den to sample the goods there. We were hooked on sugar, the need for more was too overwhelming to resist. They hit us with hot chocolate - not the namby pamby stuff you find on the streets - this was hard core - straight from the master plant itself. Pure Chocolate in warm milk. Melted.
It was the best hot chocolate I have ever had.

It was also the worse hot chocolate I'd ever had.
I had overdosed. Too much sugar. Felt sick. Now I know how the addicts feel. I will never partake in the cocoa plant again. Possibly.
Anway - what else happened? We went to the Ngili Cave then didnt go in but went for a lovely walk around the coastal area. We saw a rock known as 'Torpedo Rock' because it's shaped like a Torpedo. Which was lucky really because if it was shaped like a walrus then it wouldn't make sense.

(Actually I kind of missed the rock part due to being an idiot - but it's to the left in this shot and then just use your imagination).
Al found a playground and said it was such a good one that it was almost worth hiring a kid out for a while. I hoped no-one had heard and we moved along quickly. Crazy woman.

We bought some more warm clothing in town. And believe it or not some fudge from the fudge factory. Yes, just in case our addiction needed a boost.
Ah yes, wine. Almost forgot that. We went to a small winery called Stella's Something or other. Pleasant woman in there - very helpful so we thought we should get some bottles. (Surprisingly good stuff from such a small vineyard).
Um. That's it I think. Planning on hitting the Geraldton area tomorrow. (Also I am hoping all the I.T Media stuff is now sorted in Oscar. I found turning off the system and restarting can help - just like any other computer really. Although to turn off Oscars electronics you have to take ignition key out, open and close the door, stand at least 5 metres away from him, sing the American national Anthem while saluting and then maybe, just maybe, he will turn himself off.)
So until the morrow then.
Oh hang on - Ornathology wise I saw a wide-Beaked Kookuburra

A black-eyed Southern Tern:

Although I could be mistaken.
And finally finally here is Al talking to a fake cow after stepping on a slow local baby marmot. Don't believe me?
Here's the proof: