Last night went on a bit and the wind was pretty full on. We retired early to read ( and sulk in my case).

Our big tent is very handy for this type of living and although I was awake s lot of the night I was quite comfortable. Mind you I had two termal tops on then three more on top of that plus then sleeping bag and blanket. I'm surprised I wasn't crushed to death.
Morning arrived and this was the view out of our little window.

(Basically it's a sunrise - but anyway)
We went off to explore some beaches further around the coast. It's been a while since we had seen waves. I think we were rather mesmerised. Again I have pics on my other camera so will add them later.
After popping into town to get some soft food for the soft bastard we returned to a thundery camp site. The unhealthy bun was a success ( as have been quite a few bananas which are good for the brain or something like that - can't quite remember) and I think I'm on the road to recovery after my little tantrum.

Oh and I must add some thanks to my Dad who sent me an email that I read at 4.30 giving me sympathy about my tooth extraction. Good job Dad much appreciated. Until the next time I'll try to toughen up.
(Ooooh it's started to rain hard now. Good for growing ducks I suppose or however you make them).